
Servus Ihr Lieben. Bitte schreibt kurz hier rein, was ihr an kulinarischen Herzlichkeiten mitbringen werdet. 
Vor Ort ist auch eine Küche bei Bedarf. Merci & lG Dominik

+++ WANTED: Vor- oder Nachspeisen +++
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Whoo-hoo - there's a list! But it is still empty ...
Blätterteigschnecken herzhaft
1 Blätterteig
Mit Tomaten Pesto oder Basilikum Pesto und Feta
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Sabine (4 B.)
Coleslaw ( Krautsalat)
1 pieces
Sabrina (1 P.)
Nudelsalat mit Rucola
1 Schüssel
+ Tomate+ Mozzarella
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Luis (1 S.)
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Raffaello Creme mit Himbeeren
Eine Schüssel
Michael (1 S.)
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Opened 186× until now


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  • at 08.03.2024 00:18
    Michael Brings 1 Schüssel Raffaello Creme mit Himbeeren!
  • at 08.03.2024 00:16
    Michael has added Raffaello Creme mit Himbeeren (Eine Schüssel) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 18:44
    Sabine Brings 3 Stück Dosenwurst!
  • at 07.03.2024 18:44
    Sabine has added Dosenwurst (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 13:30
    Ivonne has changed description from "Ivonne" in ""
  • at 07.03.2024 13:29
    Ivonne Brings 1 Stück Kartoffelsalat!
  • at 07.03.2024 13:29
    Ivonne has added Kartoffelsalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 13:27
    Ivonne has deleted Kartoffelsalat from the list Restore
  • at 07.03.2024 13:27
    Ivonne has added Kartoffelsalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 13:26
    Ivonne has deleted Bring ich mi from the list Restore
  • at 07.03.2024 13:26
    Ivonne has added Bring ich mi (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 08:19
    Sonja Brings 1 Stück Fantakuchen!
  • at 07.03.2024 08:19
    Sonja has added Fantakuchen (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.03.2024 08:18
    Sabrina Brings 1 Stück Coleslaw ( Krautsalat)!
  • at 07.03.2024 08:18
    Sabrina has commented on Coleslaw ( Krautsalat)
  • at 06.03.2024 22:09
    Regina Brings 1 x Cou-Cous Salat !
  • at 06.03.2024 22:09
    Regina has added Cou-Cous Salat (1x) to the list
  • at 06.03.2024 21:47
    Luis Brings 1 Schüssel Nudelsalat mit Rucola!
  • at 06.03.2024 21:47
    Luis has added Nudelsalat mit Rucola (1 Schüssel) to the list
  • at 06.03.2024 14:20
    Vicky Brings 1 Stück Johannisbeer-Muffins!
  • at 06.03.2024 14:20
    Vicky has added Johannisbeer-Muffins (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 06.03.2024 12:42
    Manolo has changed description from "" in "A schüssl

  • at 06.03.2024 12:42
    Manolo has added Coleslaw ( Krautsalat) (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 05.03.2024 07:58
    Sabine has changed description from "Mit Tomaten Pesto oder Basilikum Pesto und Feta " in "Mit Tomaten Pesto oder Basilikum Pesto und Feta"
  • at 05.03.2024 07:57
    Sabine has changed the needed quantity of "Blätterteigschnecken herzhaft" in "1 Blätterteig"
  • at 05.03.2024 06:09
    Benni has changed the needed quantity of "Nussecken " in "1 Blech"
  • at 05.03.2024 06:08
    Benni Brings pieces Nussecken !
  • at 05.03.2024 06:07
    Benni has changed the needed quantity of "Nussecken " in ""
  • at 05.03.2024 06:07
    Benni has renamed "Nußecken" in "Nussecken "
  • at 05.03.2024 06:07
    Benni has added Nußecken (1 Blech) to the list
  • at 04.03.2024 21:15
    Sabine Brings 4 Stück Blätterteigschnecken herzhaft!
  • at 04.03.2024 21:14
    Sabine has added Blätterteigschnecken herzhaft (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 04.03.2024 17:55
    Carsten Brings 1 pieces Cheesecake!
  • at 04.03.2024 17:54
    Carsten has added Cheesecake (1 pieces) to the list
  • at 04.03.2024 16:41
    Dominik has modified the list description
  • at 04.03.2024 16:41
    Dominik has modified the list description
  • at 04.03.2024 16:39
    Dominik has modified the list description
  • at 04.03.2024 16:37
    Dominik has modified the list description
  • at 04.03.2024 16:34
    Dominik has created the list "40`s "

Who has time?

All potential dates for the event are listed here. Click on "I have time" for the dates that fit for you. If there is no suitable date, you can suggest one. The owner of the list can fix a date with the pin - this is then the final date for the event. If a date is fixed, no further dates can be suggested.

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