Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V. am 25.08.2018 ab 18:00 Uhr

Bitte tragt ein, was ihr beisteuern möchtet und fügt rechts unter Planung "da kann ich auch" hinzu wie viele Personen Ihr seid!

Das Fest findet natürlich im Vereinsheim in Lu-Edigheim statt!

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Whoo-hoo - there's a list! But it is still empty ...
Nachtisch für 6 Personen
5 pieces
Marcel (1 P.)
Steaks vom Schwein
30 pieces
Carina (2 P.)
Michelle (2 P.)
Linda (2 P.)
List continues below the ad!
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Steaks vom Hähnchen/Pute
10 pieces
Alex (3 P.)
Carina (2 P.)
Sommerbowle alkoholfrei für 10 Personen
2 pieces
Linda (1 P.)
Sangria für 10 Personen
2 pieces
No bringers yet
Gasgrill für 6-8 Personen mit Gasflasche
2 pieces
Linda (1 P.)
Bohnen-,Paprika-, Maissalat
1 pieces
Silke (1 P.)
eingelegter Schafskäse
No bringers yet
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Opened 1098× until now


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  • at 02.09.2024 11:29
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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  • at 07.10.2020 20:08
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  • at 07.10.2020 13:39
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  • at 04.10.2020 12:29
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 03.10.2020 13:24
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.10.2020 00:49
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 30.09.2020 05:06
    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 14.09.2020 09:13
    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 12.09.2020 07:32
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 07.09.2020 07:36
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 05.09.2020 18:58
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 04.09.2020 18:55
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 03.09.2020 15:39
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 31.08.2020 03:55
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 30.08.2020 12:01
    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 17.08.2020 11:47
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 12.08.2020 02:36
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 05.08.2020 15:48
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 31.07.2020 01:58
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 30.07.2020 22:46
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 25.07.2020 18:45
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 24.07.2020 16:41
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 22.07.2020 16:31
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 07.07.2020 05:54
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 23.06.2020 08:03
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 19.06.2020 06:23
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 17.06.2020 08:16
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 05.06.2020 18:40
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.05.2020 20:09
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.05.2020 19:27
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 03.04.2020 06:05
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 31.03.2020 05:14
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.03.2020 06:40
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 24.03.2020 04:34
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 17.03.2020 10:20
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 12.03.2020 09:29
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 07.03.2020 04:22
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 27.02.2020 03:13
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 13.02.2020 02:54
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 31.01.2020 00:00
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.01.2020 00:33
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 27.01.2020 04:02
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 13.01.2020 19:38
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 08.11.2019 04:35
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 26.10.2019 10:01
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 23.10.2019 04:04
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 20.08.2019 07:00
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 20.07.2019 22:40
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.06.2019 03:27
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.04.2019 13:30
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 13.03.2019 04:34
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 10.01.2019 16:58
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 23.12.2018 04:02
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 04.10.2018 04:43
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 08.09.2018 00:35
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 22.08.2018 19:18
    Marcel has added Karottenbutter (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 22.08.2018 07:07
    Linda Henn has deleted Thorsten as a bringer for Steaks vom Schwein
  • at 22.08.2018 07:07
    Linda Henn has deleted grüner gemischter Salat from the list
  • at 20.08.2018 21:30
    Marcel Brings 1 Stück Nachtisch für 6 Personen!
  • at 20.08.2018 21:28
    Marcel has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 17.08.2018 16:51
    Manfred has added eingelegter Schafskäse (Schüssel) to the list
  • at 17.08.2018 14:28
    Thorsten has deleted Thorsten as a bringer for Bauchfleisch
  • at 17.08.2018 13:44
    Thorsten Brings 4 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 17.08.2018 13:43
    Thorsten Brings 1 Stück grüner gemischter Salat!
  • at 17.08.2018 13:05
    Thorsten Brings 4 Stück Bauchfleisch!
  • at 17.08.2018 12:52
    Thorsten has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 17.08.2018 12:52
    Thorsten has deleted Bratwürstchen from the list
  • at 17.08.2018 12:52
    Thorsten Brings 983 Stück Bratwürstchen!
  • at 13.08.2018 14:00
    Silke Brings 1 Stück Bohnen-,Paprika-, Maissalat!
  • at 13.08.2018 14:00
    Silke has added Bohnen-,Paprika-, Maissalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 13.08.2018 13:59
    Silke has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 13.08.2018 13:27
    Linda Henn has modified the list description
  • at 26.07.2018 19:26
    Someone has deleted David as a bringer for Bratwürstchen
  • at 26.07.2018 19:25
    Someone has deleted David as a bringer for Steaks vom Schwein
  • at 26.07.2018 19:21
    David has changed the needed quantity of "Bratwürstchen" in "20 Stück"
  • at 26.07.2018 19:21
    David has changed the needed quantity of "Bratwürstchen" in "20 Stück"
  • at 26.07.2018 19:20
    David Brings 20 Stück Bratwürstchen!
  • at 26.07.2018 19:19
    David Brings 24 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 26.07.2018 19:18
    David has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 26.07.2018 19:02
    David Brings 1 Stück Bulgursalat!
  • at 22.07.2018 18:28
    Boemi has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 21.07.2018 12:09
    Werner Oberbeck Brings 1 Stück Nudelsalat mediterran!
  • at 21.07.2018 12:09
    Werner Oberbeck has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 19.07.2018 07:32
    Linda has printed the list
  • at 19.07.2018 07:25
    Linda has rejected the committment for the date 25.08.2018
  • at 19.07.2018 07:25
    Linda Henn has rejected the committment for the date 25.08.2018
  • at 19.07.2018 07:25
    Linda Henn has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 19.07.2018 07:22
    Linda Brings 1 Stück Bauchfleisch!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:21
    Linda Brings 1 Stück griechischer Salat!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:21
    Linda Brings 2 Stück Bratwürstchen!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:21
    Linda Brings 2 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:20
    Linda Brings 1 Stück Sommerbowle alkoholfrei für 10 Personen!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:20
    Linda Brings 1 Stück Gasgrill für 6-8 Personen mit Gasflasche!
  • at 19.07.2018 07:20
    Linda has added Gasgrill für 6-8 Personen mit Gasflasche (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 19.07.2018 07:19
    Linda has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Linda Henn as a bringer for Bauchfleisch
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Linda Henn as a bringer for Sommerbowle alkoholfrei für 10 Personen
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Linda Henn as a bringer for Bratwürstchen
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Linda Henn as a bringer for Steaks vom Schwein
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Linda Henn as a bringer for griechischer Salat
  • at 19.07.2018 07:18
    Linda has deleted Gasgrill und Gasflasche (für 5-10 Personen geeignet) from the list
  • at 19.07.2018 07:17
    Linda has modified the list description
  • at 19.07.2018 07:17
    Linda has modified the list description
  • at 19.07.2018 07:08
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.07.2018 22:07
    Kevin has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 18.07.2018 22:06
    Kevin Brings 1 Stück Tomatensalat!
  • at 18.07.2018 10:47
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.07.2018 08:49
    Michelle Brings 2 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 18.07.2018 08:48
    Michelle has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 16.07.2018 17:19
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 15.07.2018 18:10
    Carina Brings 2 Stück Steaks vom Hähnchen/Pute!
  • at 15.07.2018 18:10
    Carina Brings 2 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 15.07.2018 18:10
    Carina Brings 1 Stück Gurkensalat!
  • at 15.07.2018 18:09
    Carina has added Gurkensalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 15.07.2018 18:09
    Carina has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 15.07.2018 18:09
    Carina has rejected the committment for the date 25.08.2018
  • at 15.07.2018 18:09
    Carina has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 08.07.2018 20:35
    Alex has committed to the date 25.08.2018
  • at 08.07.2018 20:35
    Alex Brings 3 Stück Steaks vom Hähnchen/Pute!
  • at 08.07.2018 20:34
    Alex has deleted Nudelsalat from the list
  • at 08.07.2018 20:33
    Alex Brings 1 Stück Nudelsalat!
  • at 08.07.2018 20:32
    Alex Brings 5 Stück Weißbrot/Baguette!
  • at 03.07.2018 12:34
    Linda Henn has printed the list
  • at 03.07.2018 11:40
    Someone Brings 1 Stück Kartoffelsalat!
  • at 03.07.2018 11:11
    Linda Henn has renamed the list "Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V. am 25.08.2018" in "Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V. am 25.08.2018 ab 18:00 Uhr"
  • at 03.07.2018 11:04
    Linda Henn has modified the list description
  • at 03.07.2018 10:12
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 03.07.2018 10:07
    Linda Henn has deleted Wir kommen zu zweit from the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:45
    Linda Henn has shared the list to 1 people.
  • at 03.07.2018 09:41
    Linda Henn has fixed the date 25.08.2018
  • at 03.07.2018 09:41
    Linda Henn has suggested 25.08.2018 as an appointment
  • at 03.07.2018 09:40
    Linda Henn has modified the list description
  • at 03.07.2018 09:39
    Linda Henn has renamed the list "Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V." in "Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V. am 25.08.2018"
  • at 03.07.2018 09:39
    Linda Henn Brings 1 Stück Wir kommen zu zweit!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:39
    Linda Henn has added Wir kommen zu zweit (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:38
    Linda Henn Brings 2 Stück Bauchfleisch!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:38
    Linda Henn has added Bauchfleisch (20 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:37
    Linda Henn Brings 2 Stück Bratwürstchen!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:37
    Linda Henn Brings 2 Stück Steaks vom Schwein!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:37
    Linda Henn Brings 1 Stück Sommerbowle alkoholfrei für 10 Personen!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:36
    Linda Henn has renamed "Sommerbowle für 10 Personen" in "Sommerbowle alkoholfrei für 10 Personen"
  • at 03.07.2018 09:36
    Linda Henn Brings 1 Stück griechischer Salat!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:36
    Linda Henn Brings 1 Stück Gasgrill und Gasflasche (für 5-10 Personen geeignet)!
  • at 03.07.2018 09:35
    Linda Henn has renamed "Weißbrot" in "Weißbrot/Baguette"
  • at 03.07.2018 09:35
    Linda Henn has changed the needed quantity of "Gasgrill und Gasflasche (für 5-10 Personen geeignet)" in "2 Stück"
  • at 03.07.2018 09:35
    Linda Henn has added Sangria für 10 Personen (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:34
    Linda Henn has added Sommerbowle für 10 Personen (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:34
    Linda Henn has added Bratwürstchen (20 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:33
    Linda Henn has added Steaks vom Hähnchen/Pute (10 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:33
    Linda Henn has added Steaks vom Schwein (30 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:33
    Linda Henn has added Nachtisch für 6 Personen (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:32
    Linda Henn has added grüner gemischter Salat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:32
    Linda Henn has added Kartoffelsalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:32
    Linda Henn has added Bulgursalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:32
    Linda Henn has added Weißbrot (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:31
    Linda Henn has added Tomatensalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:31
    Linda Henn has added griechischer Salat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:31
    Linda Henn has added Reissalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:31
    Linda Henn has added Nudelsalat mediterran (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:31
    Linda Henn has added Nudelsalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:30
    Linda Henn has added Gasgrill und Gasflasche (für 5-10 Personen geeignet) (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 03.07.2018 09:28
    Linda Henn has created the list "Sommerfest PBC Red Lion e.V."

Who has time?

All potential dates for the event are listed here. Click on "I have time" for the dates that fit for you. If there is no suitable date, you can suggest one. The owner of the list can fix a date with the pin - this is then the final date for the event. If a date is fixed, no further dates can be suggested.

Suggested dates

  • Saturday, 25. August 2018
    Linda Henn
    Werner Oberbeck
    11 commitmens (21 persons)
    I have time!
Nobody has suggested a date yet ...