Tameshiwari - Weihnachtsfeier am 04.12.2021

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Feuerschale für ein kleines Lagerfeuer
2 pieces
René (1 P.)
Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen
5 Stück
René (5 S.)
Bratwürste (jeweils 10 Stück)
4 Stück
René (1 S.)
Kinderpunsch (jeweils 1 Liter)
10 pieces
No bringers yet
Glühwein (jeweils 1 Liter)
5 pieces
No bringers yet
Kakau (jeweils 1 Liter - fertig zum Aufwärmen)
5 pieces
No bringers yet
Brötchen (jeweils 10 Stück)
4 Stück
No bringers yet
Senf und Ketchup (je 1 mal)
2 pieces
No bringers yet
List continues below the ad!
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Heizstrahler (elektrisch oder Gas)
1 Stück
No bringers yet
2 pieces
No bringers yet
Grillkohle und Anzünder
1 pieces
René (1 P.)
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Opened 595× until now


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  • at 12.09.2024 05:45
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  • at 21.12.2022 10:29
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.10.2022 19:19
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 19.09.2022 15:59
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.09.2022 09:13
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    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 10.06.2022 23:38
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 29.05.2022 13:20
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 27.05.2022 10:58
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 29.04.2022 05:17
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 16.04.2022 10:51
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 31.03.2022 20:22
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 14.03.2022 19:38
    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 05.03.2022 07:50
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.02.2022 21:29
    Someone has printed the list
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    Someone has printed the list
  • at 16.02.2022 14:37
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 07.02.2022 18:12
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.12.2021 02:13
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 19.12.2021 07:12
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 11.12.2021 17:02
    René Brings 1 Stück Grillkohle und Anzünder!
  • at 11.12.2021 17:01
    René Brings 1 Stück Bratwürste (jeweils 10 Stück)!
  • at 11.12.2021 17:01
    René Brings 5 Stück Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen!
  • at 11.12.2021 17:00
    René Brings 1 Stück Feuerschale für ein kleines Lagerfeuer!
  • at 06.12.2021 18:53
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.11.2021 02:32
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone has deleted Nicola & Stefan as a bringer for Verlängerungskabel/Kabeltrommel
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone has deleted Nicola & Stefan as a bringer for großer Topf
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone has deleted Nicola & Stefan as a bringer for Kochplatte
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone has deleted Nicola & Stefan as a bringer for Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone Brings 1 Stück Verlängerungskabel/Kabeltrommel!
  • at 16.11.2021 20:08
    Someone Brings 1 Stück Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen!
  • at 16.11.2021 20:07
    Someone Brings 1 Stück großer Topf!
  • at 16.11.2021 20:07
    Someone Brings 1 Stück Kochplatte!
  • at 16.11.2021 20:07
    Someone has deleted Feuerschale #1 as a bringer for Kochplatte
  • at 16.11.2021 20:07
    Someone Brings 1 Stück Kochplatte!
  • at 16.11.2021 19:55
    Someone has added Grillkohle und Anzünder (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:55
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "großer Topf" in "4 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:54
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Heizstrahler (elektrisch oder Gas)" in "1 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:54
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Brötchen (jeweils 10 Stück)" in "4 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:53
    Someone has renamed "Glühwein" in "Glühwein (jeweils 1 Liter)"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:53
    Someone has renamed "Grühwein" in "Glühwein"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:53
    Someone has renamed "Kinderpunsch" in "Kinderpunsch (jeweils 1 Liter)"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:53
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Bratwürste (jeweils 10 Stück)" in "4 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:52
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Stockbrotteig" in "2 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:14
    Someone has added Weihnachtsgebäck (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:13
    Someone has added Verlängerungskabel/Kabeltrommel (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:13
    Someone has added Stromverteiler (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:13
    Someone has added großer Topf (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:12
    Someone has added Kochplatte (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:12
    Someone has added Heizstrahler (elektrisch oder Gas) (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:12
    Someone has added Senf und Ketchup (je 1 mal) (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:11
    Someone has added Brötchen (jeweils 10 Stück) (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:10
    Someone has added Kakau (jeweils 1 Liter - fertig zum Aufwärmen) (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:09
    Someone has added Grühwein (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:09
    Someone has added Kinderpunsch (10 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:08
    Someone has added Bratwürste (jeweils 10 Stück) (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:08
    Someone has added Stockbrotteig (3 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:07
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen" in "5 Stück"
  • at 16.11.2021 19:07
    Someone has added Feuerholz für die beiden Feuerschalen (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:07
    Someone has added Feuerschale für ein kleines Lagerfeuer (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:06
    Someone has deleted Eine Feuerschale für ein kleines Lagerfeuer, auf dem Stockbrot gegrillt werden kann. from the list
  • at 16.11.2021 19:06
    Someone has added Eine Feuerschale für ein kleines Lagerfeuer, auf dem Stockbrot gegrillt werden kann. (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 08.11.2021 18:31
    Stefan L. has fixed the date 04.12.2021
  • at 08.11.2021 18:31
    Stefan L. has unfixed the date 04.12.2021
  • at 08.11.2021 18:23
    Stefan L. has fixed the date 04.12.2021
  • at 08.11.2021 18:23
    Stefan L. has suggested 04.12.2021 as an appointment
  • at 08.11.2021 18:21
    Stefan L. has created the list "Tameshiwari - Weihnachtsfeier am 04.12.2021"

Who has time?

All potential dates for the event are listed here. Click on "I have time" for the dates that fit for you. If there is no suitable date, you can suggest one. The owner of the list can fix a date with the pin - this is then the final date for the event. If a date is fixed, no further dates can be suggested.

Suggested dates

  • Saturday, 04. December 2021 Barbaratag
    Stefan L.
    1 commitmens (1 persons)
    I have time!
Nobody has suggested a date yet ...