CareFé Grillen

Für Würste (normal und Veggie) sorgt die AG, genauso wie für Getränke. Alles weitere, wie Beilagen (Salate, Brot, Dips) bitte einfach unten eintragen :)
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Würste (zum Grillen); Veggie-Würste, Getränke
Needed quantity:
1 pieces
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
1 pieces
✅ Complete
Ich würde Saucen für die Würste mitbringen
Needed quantity:
Wieviel werden benötigt?
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
1 pieces
Lea (1 P.)
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
2 bis 3 pieces
Miraaa (3 P.)
Alex (2 P.)
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
3bis 4 verschiedene Obst Sorten
Miraaa (4 V.)
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
2-3 pieces
No bringers yet
🙏 2 were still required
Needed quantity:
4 pieces
Alex (1 P.)
Ketzer (2 P.)
🙏 1 is still required
Grillkäse, Grillgemüse
Needed quantity:
5 pieces
Alex (1 P.)
Alex (1 P.)
🙏 3 were still required
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  • from Care Leaver:innen
    at 21.06.2023 13:13
    Fam. Lehr Hesse.... ich vermute dass wir ungefähr 15 Personen sein werden und 1x wird schon Soße mitgebracht.
    Wir freuen uns auf nächste Woche!
No comments yet ...
... but did you know that you can now write comments to items? Click on the comment icon below the name of the item to do that.
  • at 29.08.2024 20:54
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 24.06.2024 12:47
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.06.2024 19:59
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 26.04.2024 01:14
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 25.04.2024 07:30
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 18.02.2024 23:50
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 02.01.2024 10:40
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 05.12.2023 02:28
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 29.11.2023 17:43
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 10.08.2023 19:38
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 19.07.2023 19:00
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 30.06.2023 16:05
    Alex Brings 1 Stück Grillkäse, Grillgemüse!
  • at 30.06.2023 15:59
    Alex has commented on Kartenspiele
  • at 29.06.2023 08:31
    Nhat has deleted Kräuter Knoblauch Butter from the list Restore
  • at 26.06.2023 13:49
    Ketzer has committed to the date 30.06.2023
  • at 26.06.2023 13:42
    Ketzer Brings 2 Stück Brot/Baguette/Fladenbrot!
  • at 26.06.2023 13:02
    Alex Brings 1 Stück Grillkäse, Grillgemüse!
  • at 26.06.2023 13:02
    AG has added Grillkäse, Grillgemüse (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.06.2023 13:01
    Alex Brings 1 Stück Brot/Baguette/Fladenbrot!
  • at 26.06.2023 13:01
    AG has deleted Grillkäse from the list Restore
  • at 26.06.2023 13:01
    AG has added Brot/Baguette/Fladenbrot (4 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.06.2023 13:00
    AG has added Grillkäse (5 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.06.2023 12:59
    AG has added Salate (2-3 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.06.2023 12:59
    Alex Brings 2 Stück Kartenspiele!
  • at 21.06.2023 20:56
    Laila Semrau Brings 1 Stück Würste (zum Grillen); Veggie-Würste, Getränke!
  • at 21.06.2023 20:56
    Laila Semrau Brings 2 Stück Baguette!
  • at 21.06.2023 17:07
    Miraaa Brings 4 verschiedene Obst Sorten Obstsalat!
  • at 21.06.2023 17:07
    Miraaa Brings 3 Stück Kartenspiele!
  • at 21.06.2023 17:07
    Miraaa has added Obstsalat (3bis 4 verschiedene Obst Sorten) to the list
  • at 21.06.2023 17:06
    Miraaa has deleted Soßen (Ketchup etc.) from the list Restore
  • at 21.06.2023 17:05
    Miraaa has added Soßen (Ketchup etc.) (2 bis 3 verschiedene Sorten) to the list
  • at 21.06.2023 17:04
    Miraaa has added Kartenspiele (2 bis 3 Stück) to the list
  • at 21.06.2023 13:13
    Care Leaver:innen has posted a comment
  • at 11.06.2023 18:50
    Nhat Brings 1 Stück Kräuter Knoblauch Butter!
  • at 11.06.2023 18:50
    Nhat has added Kräuter Knoblauch Butter (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 09.06.2023 16:54
    Familie Lehr Hesse Brings Wieviel werden benötigt? Ich würde Saucen für die Würste mitbringen!
  • at 07.06.2023 22:46
    Lea Brings 1 Stück Nudelsalat!
  • at 07.06.2023 22:46
    Lea has added Nudelsalat (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.06.2023 22:45
    Lea has committed to the date 30.06.2023
  • at 01.06.2023 08:36
    Oliver Korn has added Ich würde Saucen für die Würste mitbringen (Wieviel werden benötigt?) to the list
  • at 26.05.2023 16:24
    Alex has added Baguette (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.05.2023 12:39
    AG Care Leaver:innen has modified the list description
  • at 26.05.2023 12:37
    AG Care Leaver:innen Brings 1 Stück Würste (zum Grillen); Veggie-Würste, Getränke!
  • at 26.05.2023 12:37
    AG Care Leaver:innen has added Würste (zum Grillen); Veggie-Würste, Getränke (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 26.05.2023 12:35
    AG Care Leaver:innen has fixed the date 30.06.2023
  • at 26.05.2023 12:35
    AG Care Leaver:innen has suggested 30.06.2023 as an appointment
  • at 26.05.2023 12:32
    AG Care Leaver:innen has created the list "CareFé Grillen"

Who has time?

All potential dates for the event are listed here. Click on "I have time" for the dates that fit for you. If there is no suitable date, you can suggest one. The owner of the list can fix a date with the pin - this is then the final date for the event. If a date is fixed, no further dates can be suggested.

Suggested dates

  • Friday, 30. June 2023
    AG Care Leaver:innen
    3 commitmens (4 persons)
    I have time!
Nobody has suggested a date yet ...