on 26.12.2024 23:34
Someone has printed the list
on 26.12.2024 05:43
Someone has printed the list
on 10.12.2024 03:31
Someone has printed the list
on 08.10.2024 10:25
Someone has printed the list
on 07.10.2024 18:58
Someone has printed the list
on 02.10.2024 02:28
Someone has printed the list
on 28.09.2024 09:03
Janka Brings 1 Stück Bananenpudding!
on 28.09.2024 09:03
Janka has added Bananenpudding (1 Stück) to the list
on 25.09.2024 09:10
Someone has printed the list
on 24.09.2024 13:25
Juli Brings 1 Stück Frischkäse natur!
on 24.09.2024 13:24
Juli has added Frischkäse natur (1 Stück) to the list
on 24.09.2024 13:24
Juli Brings 2 Stück Lyoner und Salami!
on 24.09.2024 13:23
Juli has added Lyoner und Salami (2 Stück) to the list
on 24.09.2024 13:22
Juli Brings 1 Stück Käse!
on 23.09.2024 12:35
Someone has printed the list
on 19.09.2024 13:53
Carina Brings 2 Stück Vegetarischer Aufschnitt!
on 19.09.2024 13:52
Carina has added Vegetarischer Aufschnitt (1 Stück) to the list
on 19.09.2024 13:51
Carina Brings 10 Stück Eierkuchen (kalt)!
on 19.09.2024 13:51
Carina has added Eierkuchen (kalt) (1 Stück) to the list
on 19.09.2024 07:14
Kristin Brings 1 Stück Streichcreme!
on 19.09.2024 07:14
Kristin Brings 1 Stück Käse!
on 14.09.2024 20:22
Christoph has changed description from "" in "Äpfel, Banane, Melone "
on 14.09.2024 20:22
Christoph Brings 1 Stück Obst!
on 14.09.2024 11:15
Irina Brings 1 Stück Gemüsesticks!
on 14.09.2024 11:15
Irina Brings 1 Stück Honig!
on 13.09.2024 14:59
Julia Brings 1 Stück Säfte (Orange, Multi, Apfel)!
on 13.09.2024 14:58
Julia Brings 1 Stück Marmelade!
on 13.09.2024 13:46
Janka has modified his own comment
on 13.09.2024 13:46
Janka has changed description from "" in "Janka: Erdbeer-Vanille, Erdbeer-Käsekuchen, Brombeere, Quitte"
on 13.09.2024 13:46
Janka has commented on Marmelade
on 11.09.2024 11:52
Karen Steinmetz has added Streichcreme (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:45
Karen Steinmetz has added Gemüsesticks (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:45
Karen Steinmetz has added Obst (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:45
Karen Steinmetz has added Honig (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:45
Karen Steinmetz has added Säfte (Orange, Multi, Apfel) (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:45
Karen Steinmetz has added Kuchen/Muffins (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:44
Karen Steinmetz has added Marmelade (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:44
Karen Steinmetz has added Käse (1 Stück) to the list
on 11.09.2024 11:36
Karen Steinmetz has shared the list to 1 people.
on 11.09.2024 11:33
Karen Steinmetz has created the list "Brunch auf dem Kitahof"
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