JSMC summer BBQ

When: July 14 starting from 6.30 pm.
Where: Paradise park, Rasenmühleninsel, big public grill close to the skatepark.
What to bring along: your own dishes, cutlery, drinks, maybe a picnic blanket, and some food that you want to share with everyone.

Please add to the list below what and roughly how much you will contribute to our BBQ (e.g. 1 bowl of potato salad, 1 package sausages, 5 breadroles and 1 package herb butter, ...). If you have wishes what should be brought, you can also create a new entry and hope that someone else will bring it along ;)

Please also mention in a comment on the rigth the names of all people that will join our BBQ (non-JSMC members, friends and family are welcome :D).
Add description
Sign in on this list for the things you can bring or do (click on "I bring" or "I do"). If something is missing, just add it to the list. For further help click on "Questions" in the upper right corner.

Who brings what?

Whoo-hoo - there's a list! But it is still empty ...
grill (in case the public grill is occupied)
Needed quantity:
3 pieces
🙏 2 were still required
Needed quantity:
6 pieces
✅ Complete
1 package herbal butter
Needed quantity:
1 pieces
✅ Complete
corncobs + sausages (vegetarian)
Needed quantity:
8 pieces
Peter (4 P.)
✅ Complete
Vegetable snacks
Needed quantity:
1 box
Jasmin (1 B.)
✅ Complete
Different sauces
Needed quantity:
3 pieces
✅ Complete
Mashed beans
Needed quantity:
2 cans
Peter (2 C.)
Mariana (2 C.)
✅ Complete
Pork grill sausages
Needed quantity:
10 pieces
Elias (10 P.)
Jisna Jose (8 P.)
✅ Complete
Carrot Salad
Needed quantity:
1 bowl
Elias (1 B.)
✅ Complete
List continues below the ad!
Ad is loading...
Needed quantity:
1 pieces
✅ Complete
Needed quantity:
4 pieces
✅ Complete
Garlic Bread
Needed quantity:
2 pieces
✅ Complete
Fruit Salad
Needed quantity:
1 bowle
✅ Complete
Opened 517× until now


Format your text: "*Text*" becomes TextText, "~Text~" becomes Text.
  • from Jisna Jose
    at 14.07.2021 09:14
    I'll join with one more person, Anjana Unii.
    -Jisna Jose
  • from Lena Gauthier
    at 02.07.2021 09:27
    I will join with 2 ppl:
    Lena Gauthier
    Elias Lerch
  • from Lena Gauthier
    at 02.07.2021 09:27
    The JSMC will provide us with charcoal and lighter ;)
No comments yet ...
... but did you know that you can now write comments to items? Click on the comment icon below the name of the item to do that.
  • at 25.07.2024 11:50
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  • at 17.12.2021 05:50
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 04.11.2021 21:00
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 28.09.2021 00:47
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 01.08.2021 03:26
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 14.07.2021 12:00
    Sara & Naief Brings 2 cans Mashed beans!
  • at 14.07.2021 11:58
    Sara & Naief Brings 1 bowl Carrot Salad!
  • at 14.07.2021 11:54
    Sara & Naief Brings 1 pieces Garlic Bread!
  • at 14.07.2021 11:53
    Sara & Naief Brings 3 pieces Different sauces!
  • at 14.07.2021 09:14
    Jisna Jose has posted a comment
  • at 14.07.2021 09:11
    Jisna Jose Brings 8 pieces Pork grill sausages!
  • at 14.07.2021 08:45
    Kerstin Unger Brings 1 bowle Fruit Salad!
  • at 14.07.2021 08:45
    Kerstin Unger has added Fruit Salad (1 bowle) to the list
  • at 13.07.2021 20:51
    Paula Seibold + Tim Schäfer Brings 1 Stück salad!
  • at 13.07.2021 20:50
    Paula Seibold + Tim Schäfer has added salad (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 13.07.2021 17:16
    Farzaneh Pourmasoumi Brings 2 Stück Garlic Bread!
  • at 13.07.2021 17:16
    Farzaneh Pourmasoumi has added Garlic Bread (2 Stück) to the list
  • at 13.07.2021 17:15
    Farzaneh Pourmasoumi Brings 2 box Vegetable snacks!
  • at 13.07.2021 17:15
    Farzaneh Pourmasoumi Brings 4 Stück Grillkäse !
  • at 13.07.2021 17:14
    Farzaneh Pourmasoumi has added Grillkäse (4 Stück) to the list
  • at 13.07.2021 17:08
    Paula Seibold Brings 1 Stück melon!
  • at 13.07.2021 17:08
    Paula Seibold has added melon (1 Stück) to the list
  • at 13.07.2021 14:29
    Mariana Brings 2 cans Mashed beans!
  • at 13.07.2021 14:28
    Mariana has commented on Mashed beans
  • at 12.07.2021 14:43
    Someone Brings 10 pieces Pork grill sausages!
  • at 12.07.2021 14:43
    Someone has deleted Elias as a bringer for Pork grill sausages
  • at 12.07.2021 14:43
    Someone has changed the needed quantity of "Pork grill sausages" in "10 pieces"
  • at 12.07.2021 14:42
    Someone has commented on Carrot Salad
  • at 12.07.2021 14:41
    Someone Brings 1 bowl Carrot Salad!
  • at 12.07.2021 14:41
    Someone has added Carrot Salad (1 bowl) to the list
  • at 12.07.2021 14:40
    Someone has commented on Pork grill sausages
  • at 12.07.2021 14:40
    Someone Brings 15 pieces Pork grill sausages!
  • at 12.07.2021 14:40
    Someone has added Pork grill sausages (15 pieces) to the list
  • at 12.07.2021 13:46
    Peter has commented on Mashed beans
  • at 12.07.2021 13:29
    Peter Brings 4 Stück corncobs + sausages (vegetarian)!
  • at 12.07.2021 13:28
    Peter Brings 2 cans Mashed beans!
  • at 12.07.2021 08:18
    Mariana Murillo has added Mashed beans (2 cans) to the list
  • at 12.07.2021 08:18
    Mariana Murillo has deleted Mashed beans from the list
  • at 12.07.2021 08:18
    Mariana Murillo has added Mashed beans (2 cans) to the list
  • at 11.07.2021 12:26
    Lena Gauthier Brings 3 pieces Different sauces!
  • at 11.07.2021 12:26
    Lena Gauthier has added Different sauces (3 pieces) to the list
  • at 09.07.2021 02:42
    Someone has printed the list
  • at 08.07.2021 09:22
    Jasmin Brings 1 box Vegetable snacks!
  • at 08.07.2021 09:22
    Jasmin has added Vegetable snacks (1 box) to the list
  • at 08.07.2021 08:34
    Katja + Isa Brings 4 Stück corncobs + sausages (vegetarian)!
  • at 08.07.2021 08:34
    Katja + Isa has added corncobs + sausages (vegetarian) (8 Stück) to the list
  • at 08.07.2021 08:33
    Katja + Isa has deleted corncobs and sausages (vegetarian) from the list
  • at 07.07.2021 10:38
    Katja + Isa Brings 6 Stück corncobs and sausages (vegetarian)!
  • at 07.07.2021 10:38
    Katja + Isa has added corncobs and sausages (vegetarian) (6 Stück) to the list
  • at 07.07.2021 10:37
    Katja + Isa has deleted corncobs and sausages (vegetarian) from the list
  • at 07.07.2021 10:37
    Katja + Isa has added corncobs and sausages (vegetarian) (6 Stück) to the list
  • at 02.07.2021 09:29
    Lena Gauthier has shared the list to 1 people.
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier Brings 1 pieces 1 package herbal butter!
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier has added 1 package herbal butter (1 pieces) to the list
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier Brings 1 pieces grill (in case the public grill is occupied)!
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier Brings 6 pieces Breadrolls!
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier has added Breadrolls (6 pieces) to the list
  • at 02.07.2021 09:28
    Lena Gauthier has added grill (in case the public grill is occupied) (3 pieces) to the list
  • at 02.07.2021 09:27
    Lena Gauthier has fixed the date 14.07.2021
  • at 02.07.2021 09:27
    Lena Gauthier has suggested 14.07.2021 as an appointment
  • at 02.07.2021 09:27
    Lena Gauthier has posted a comment
  • at 02.07.2021 09:27
    Lena Gauthier has posted a comment
  • at 02.07.2021 09:26
    Lena Gauthier has modified the list description
  • at 02.07.2021 09:26
    Lena Gauthier has created the list "JSMC summer BBQ"

Who has time?

All potential dates for the event are listed here. Click on "I have time" for the dates that fit for you. If there is no suitable date, you can suggest one. The owner of the list can fix a date with the pin - this is then the final date for the event. If a date is fixed, no further dates can be suggested.

Suggested dates

  • Wednesday, 14. July 2021
    Lena Gauthier
    1 commitmens (2 persons)
    I have time!
Nobody has suggested a date yet ...